On February 24, 2022 the Russia and Belarus started full-scale invasion to Ukraine.
On March 9-10, 2022 IKS contacted with event suppliers and results processing companies to stop working with Russia and Belarus. These companies include: RaceResult, MyLaps, FinishLynx, Microgate, Alge-Timing, Timetronics, OpenTrack.
We have received prompt reply from RaceResult team with warm words of support:
“Dear Ivan,
Dear IKS team and their families,
Dear Ukrainian sports community,
It is with great concern and deep dismay that we are looking at the war in Ukraine these days. We condemn the brutal and unjustifiable attack on Ukraine by the Russian regime.
We see the great suffering being inflicted on Ukrainian civilians. This shocks us and we see your distress, but we cannot truly imagine what it feels like to be caught in a war. Therefore, we would like to thank you and commend you for your letter sharing your account of the current situation. These personal accounts highlight to us all the true impact and reach of the ongoing conflict.
With great unanimity, European countries have imposed far-reaching sanctions on trade and financial transactions with Russia, these sanctions also apply to electronic products and software. As such, our business in Russia and Belarus has been effectively shut down, an action we took on February 28th. We expressly welcome these sanctions and we have also placed a message on the Russian version of our web shop to make it clear to our customers and interested parties, why those sanctions exist and why we support them.
We know that these actions are only a very, very small part of all the efforts to restore peace and justice in Ukraine. Nevertheless, it is what we can contribute from here. Within the company we started a fundraiser to support emergency aid in Ukraine. If there is anything else that we as RACE RESULT can do to support you, your colleagues, friends and families, please let us know.
We wish you, Ivan, and everyone in Ukraine great fortitude in these difficult days. Our thoughts are with you. May there be peace soon.
Sönke Petersen with the whole RACE RESULT team”
For supplier companies of electronic devices it will not be possible to export anything to Russia and Belarus due to globally applied sanctions.
In addition OpenTrack disabled access to their services for Belarus Athletic Federation.
Timing community from all over the world does not agree with war and sent messages to support Ukraine.
IKS websites will be blocked to access from Russia and Belarus countries.